Open House on March 13th, 2025
Click Here for more details
We'll be offering an upper Kinder/1st Grade mixed class for 2025-2026!
Age 5 is the minimum and students must be showing interest in learning

Creating a village school for the modern world. Through God's word, a Patriotic spirit and an awakened mindset, we will empower our children to trust in Him while giving them the real-world education necessary to pursue their dreams and build their future.

The Lord is our foundation, our rock and in His ways we teach our children. Yeshua (Jesus) is our Savior and salvation, without which we would be lost. God is present in all we do, and in all the things we teach our children.
"Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord" --Psalm 127:3
As a mostly outdoor campus, we seek to teach our children all the things we can do outdoors: to plant, grow and harvest, what it means to our bodies to be grounded in the earth, etc. We want to build their self-esteem by enabling them to be independent and self sufficient. To learn the old ways, to appreciate lost traditions, to know how to make Natural medicine from the plants and herbs they will grow. Let's get back to our roots, where it makes sense to, and launch our children forward to the future with deep-rooted knowledge and a self-sufficient spirit.

Core classes include: math, reading, language arts and more
Life Skills include: farming, animal raising, carpentry, mechanical, cooking, budgeting and more
Extracurriculars include: Homeopathy 101, gardening, sewing, survival skills, foreign language, music and more
We'll be creating a custom curriculum for each group of students, to meet them where they're at. There have been so many changes to our kid's lives since 2020 and it's affected their education in many ways. Our goal is to give each child 1:1 attention and push them forward in their education journey. Our staff will pull from multiple curriculums (like Classical Conversations, the Good and the Beautiful, Handwriting without Tears, My Father's World, etc) to create a custom year-round program for each grade. Parents will be given the curriculum blocks and all tools need to continue the skill building at home.

We are a Bible-based homeschool co-operative who believe that educating, not indoctrinating, our children is essential to preparing them for the new world that is rapidly approaching. Through hand's-on vocational and homesteading skills, knowledge from our ancestors and Founding Fathers, modern entrepreneurialism, parent and teacher instilled self-confidence and a firm standing in God's Word, we can offer our children a solid foundation from which to launch. In creating a community, or Village, filled with like-minded families, Godly values and non-traditional schooling, we are offering our children a chance to learn the way they learn, build their self-esteem and tap into the tremendous potential God has given them.

"We cannot continually drain the creativity and individualism from our children, and then wonder why we've lost the ability to critically think as a society. Each child is uniquely created by God and given extraordinary personalities and gifts. Our job, as educators and parents, is to make them aware of that fact. That is what our focus should be on---THAT is all that matters. Only then can we watch as they change the world for the better."
-Daniella, Founder